Open French Baskets

The French open basket is a majestic and beautiful basket. For the untaught eye this seems like a simple basket. But the fact is that this is one of the hardest one to make.

It cost more sweat, tears, blood and swearing than actually money. These baskets are made with split 2 year old willow for bystakes. In this way I get interesting color combinations – either by the willow itself or by coloring the stakes in dye. By adding more or less stakes you can drastically change the shape of the basket.

I learned this particular basket when i took a class with my favourite basketmaker in Denmark- Bent Vinkler.

Open french basket
2 Open french basket.
Open french basket by Silja Levin - details
Open french basket – details
4 open french basket by Silja Levin
4 Open french basket in line

3 thoughts on “Open French Baskets

  1. Your baskets are absolutely beautiful. A true artisan. If you ever have the opportunity you could research the traditional Shaker Baskets woven with brow or black ash. It is so peaceful to weave with. However very expensive. Research Nate Taylor, Joh McQuire , and Martha Wetherby. My name is Dee Grinenko. Email ddgrin10@gmail . com. I live in Florida. I am 80 years old and have been weaving for 30 years but weave basic functional baskets. Nothing as beautiful as yours. Thank you for sharing pictures of your baskets. If you ever want to teach in the United Stated contact North Carolina Basket Association. They have had aRissisn basket weaver teach bitch baskets. That is where I have taken classes for years. Good luck with your beautiful baskets.


    1. Thank you Dee, for your words about my baskets. The Thougth of teaching in USA has newer accrued to me. There is so many good basketmakers in the states. However the shaker baskets I have seen a little of in my search of baskets. Billie ruth sudduth baskets is a grate inspiration.
      Im goint to Tacoma this summer, for NBOs Biennial Conference. And taking Daniella Bodines class in paper. That will be fun. Silja


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